Tuesday 20 November 2018

Mind and stream ذھن ۽ وھڪرو

"اصغر ساگر"

One day Guatma Buddha was walking through a mountanious region.  He felt thirsty and asked one of his disciple to fetch a bowl of water for him from the nearby stream . When the disciple reached there he saw that some carts had just passed through, muddying everything. He came back and told this to Buddha.
Buddha asked him to go there again to fetch water. When the disciple went there for the second time he saw that the water was settled and now was clear . He filled the bowl with water and brought it to Buddha .
Buddha turned to him and told him that our mind is like that stream .. Sometimes the peace of our mind is disturbed by anger but if you give it a few minutes of silence it will come back to its natural state ..
ھڪ ڏينھن گوتم ٻڌ پھاڙين مان پنڌ ڪري رھيو ھو. ھن کي اڃ لڳي ۽ پنھنجي ھڪ پوئلڳ کي ويجهي وھڪري مان پاڻي ڀري اچڻ لاء چيو. جڏھن ھن جو پوئلڳ اتي پھتو، ھن ڏٺو تہ ڪجھ گاڏا ھاڻي ھاڻي اتان گذريا آھن ۽ ھر شي کي خراب ڪيو اٿن. ھي واپس آيو ۽ اچي اھو ٻڌ کي ٻڌايائين.
ٻڌ ان کي اتي وري وڃي پاڻي ڀري اچڻ لاء چيو. جڏھن پوئلڳ اتي ٻيو دفعو پھتو، ھن ڏٺو تہ پاڻي آٺرجي ويو آھي ۽ ھاڻي صاف ٿي ويو آھي. ھن پاڻي سان پيالو ڀريو ۽ان کي ٻڌ وٽ کڻي آيو.
ٻڌ ھن ڏي مڙيو ۽ ھن کي چيو تہ اسان جو ذھن وھڪري وانگر ھوندو آھي. ڪڏھن ڪڏھن اسان جو ذھن ڪاوڙ جي ڪري منجهي پوندو آھي پر جيڪڏھن تون ان کي خاموشي جا ڪجھ منٽ ڏين ٿو تہ اھو وري ساڳي حالت ۾ اچي ويندو.

هي ليک پنهنجي دوستن ۽ ساٿين سان ونڊ ڪريو


Author & Editor


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